Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nope it’s a spectacular firework. Every year on the 5th of November we commemorate the failure of Guy Fawke’s attempt of assassinating King James I with the magical, astounding display of glittery fireworks. Children running around excitedly holding sparklers, watching the sky light up in a multitude of colours with your friends and family is some of the things this enjoyable celebration has to offer.

Guy Fawke’s night originated from the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. This was a failed attempt at assassinating King James I . It was led by Robert Catesby and a group of Roman Catholics who were angered by the King’s refusal to grant greater religious tolerance of Catholics. The group managed to rent a cellar directly beneath the House of Lords and dozens of barrels of gunpowder were moved in. The aim of this was that on the opening of parliament in November an explosives expert, Guy Fawkes, would ignite the cache and explode parliament. On the 1st of November, King James I received an anonymous letter and unfortunately for the plotters, this revealed their entire cunning plan. Even knowing that their plan, had been unveiled, they still continued their original plan. Eventually, Guy Fawkes was executed along with his comrades.

This year, I went to the annual celebration in Dartford Central Park where they hosted the mesmerising show of fireworks. Additionally, there was also a giant bonfire being showcased on the other side. It was wonderful watching all the multitude of colours flashing in the dark sky, sparkles dispersed all over and  listening to the cozy, crackling of the bonfire. Many people attended and it was a great bonding experience for families. It was also lovely to watch young children appreciating and experiencing these celebrations.


If you did not attend a firework show this year, you better do next time.