Most of the schools found in my area at Kiwira -Rungwe district at Mbeya region in TANZANIA have been faced with various problems including shortage of teachers, lack of water, electricity supply, lack of modern laboratories and library.  Some of the schools found at my district are Lubala High School, Kinyala Secondary, Kiwira Secondary and Kipoke Secondary.

On 2-04-2014 at 2:20 p.m I discussed with the four students from different schools found in my region namely Michael Meshark, Nuran Khamis, Eliya Mbilinyi and Gladnes.   I have tried to discuss with them why so many day scholars don ‘t perform well in their studies. 

The main problems that face them are ‘long distances from home to school’, which as a result they get tired and some drop their studies.  

Another issue for a day scholar is ‘lack of enough time for preparation.’  

Once they turn back to home from school they have been ‘facing a lot of work at home, such as domestic activities.’ 

Another issue is the issue of ‘school fees. ‘  Most of parents of day scholars are involving in small businesses such as selling fruit and vegetables;  some are pastoralist and as a result they fail to pay for school fees.