In the UK, mobile phone bans are becoming more and more common in secondary schools. Many schools have introduces rules that say when, where and how phones can be used on site and if these rules aren’t followed the phone gets confiscated until the end of the day. Some schools have gone even further and introduced locked pouches. The mechanism is magnetic, and it locks the phone inside a pouch that only a teacher can unlock. These are being used more frequently in schools across the UK and seem to be working, despite student backlash. 

These bans raise important questions: why are phones being banned? is prohibition a good idea? is it effective?

Primarily, phones are being banned to reduce distractions in class and to prevent online bullying in school. Prior to the ban, students used their phones in class, often to go on games, social media etc. Research indicates that there has been a decrease in this since the ban, which suggests that it is proving successful. 

In some ways, phone bans are a good idea. They enable students to focus and learn in lesson, which is what they’re at school for and then when they go home, they can use phones. They also decrease the possibility for online bullying in school, which can be a big issue for some students. However, some people believe that students should be allowed to self-regulate. If phones are banned completely, they will never learn when they can and can’t use them. Instead, they are just taught that they shouldn’t use phones in a learning environment. School should be teaching them that its ok to use phones in certain situations. For example, in emergencies and for doing research, which can be very useful. 

Also, some parents may want their child to have full, direct access to their phones in school. This may be in the case of emergencies in or out of school or, so they are aware of any changes in arrangements (i.e. they are going into town with friends and so don’t need picking up anymore or if the student forgets lunch and needs money for the canteen). Other parents support the phone ban and agree their child doesn’t need it in school. 

I think phone bans are very effective. I have noticed a decrease in phone usage in lessons and fewer distractions, which has a positive effect on the class. However, there have been instances where I needed to use my phone and haven’t been able to. It’s a very difficult debate and mostly it doesn’t have a clear answer. It really depends on your opinion and the situation you are in. 

What are your thoughts? Do you think phone bans are effective? Do you think they are a good idea?