Inspired by Eddie Izzard’s epic series of marathons for Sport Relief, a group of Runners World forumites, an online community of runners, decided to go that little bit further. They decided to run around the entire coastline of Great Britain in a mammoth coastal run, carrying a relay-type baton, which has since been christened Barry.

13 weeks into the journey, which started in Blackpool on 9th May, they have now completed 2440 miles and, on the evening of Saturday 7th August, Barry, will cross from Essex to Kent. The first day in Kent will see Barry and his team of carriers, or Coasters, follow the Thames from the Greenwich foot tunnel to Dartford, where he will venture inland a little before joining the Saxon Shore Way in Gravesend to make the journey along the Thames and up the Medway to Rochester. Barry will then take a well-deserved rest overnight before continuing on his journey along the North Kent coast to his next overnight destination of Seasalter.

Barry is being carried by runners and joggers alike along each stage, so look out for Barry on the Gravesend promenade on Sunday around lunchtime and you can wish him the best of luck on the remainder of his journey. His progress can be followed at