Report by Victoria Harney

THE Primary Schools Gala took place on March 23 at Ladywell Leisure Centre.

It was organised by Saxon Crown swimming club, in association with Parkwood Leisure Centre and the London Borough of Lewisham.

This year, 19 primary schools from Lewisham borough took part in the gala, with 114 swimmers and more than 200 swims between them.

All of the swimmers did themselves proud, swimming to the best of their abilities and the winners were given their awards by Councillor Heidi Alexander.

The best boy awards went to Joel Levine of Brockley (Year 5) and Harvey Irving of All Saints c of E (Year 6).

The best girl awards were presented to Amy Lewis of Torridon (Year 5) and Grace de Rome of Blackheath High (Year 6).

All schools have reasons to celebrate their swimmers' achievements but in particular Fairlawn Primary School.

They were awarded the Parkwood Trophy for best school having eight medal winners and finalists out of their 11 which took part, and winning both of the final relay events by more than 15 seconds, a great feat.

Praise should also go to the swimmers of Saxon Crown who volunteered to help at the gala, and their parents who helped in running the gala smoothly.

Overall the gala was a great success and hopefully will be held again over the next few years, as we hope to turn this into an annual event.

Anyone interested in joining Saxon Crown or for more information, visit or call Sue Toms on 0208 690 8041.