A FRIEND has taken the next step toward shooting down his target of reaching the 2012 Olympics.

Peter Friend, featured in News Shopper in October, won the prestigious Surrey Open free pistol shooting competition, setting a personal best (pb) and putting himself in the running for an England spot.

The competition, held at the national shooting centre in Bisley, attracts the very best marksmen in the country with 20 of the top 25 taking part.

Despite the impressive list of rivals, Peter, 35, won by 16 points with a total of 539 out of a possible 600, an improvement of 11 on his pb.

The IT manager at Ravens Wood School, Oakley Road, Bromley, said: "In free pistol, a 16-point win is a big margin especially over GB squad shooters on a rainy and windy day."

Peter also secured third place in the 10m air pistol event on the same day.

It starts with more than 100 shooters cut down to eight in the Olympic Final where each shooter has 10 shots and the score is added to the overall total.

Peter, who lives in New Addington, is still learning new techniques to improve.

He said: "The next step is looking at my preparation for competitions with regards to nerves.

"I visualise the event so when I turn up, I think I have been here before' and I don't worry about it."

After appearing in News Shopper, Peter has attracted sponsorship in his effort to reach the 2012 Olympics.

If you want get involved with sponsoring Peter in his quest for 2012, visit peterfriend.co.uk