BROMLEY Martial Arts Academy has produced its first homegrown black belt students.

Matt Grace and Jon Glassman stood before the judging panel to start their black belt grading, starting with a few rounds of boxing and kick boxing before moving on to a number of Jun Fan flow drills.

Next came grappling, which is a blend of gracie jiu jitsu and judo, before the sparring and then a focus on weapons, both knife and stick.

When it came to sparring with weapons, the students had a real challenge as they were up against the current world stick fighting champion Stuart Tickner.

The final section was to focus on all the self-defence elements of the curriculum before finishing with sparring in all the different styles.

After five gruelling hours, Glassman and Grace were presented with their certificates and black T-shirts from Simon White.

Bromley MAA chief instructor White, who has also recently received accreditation as a second generation instruction from Bruce Lee from Sigung Richard Bustillo, the original training partner and student to Bruce Lee, was impressed by the duo’s efforts.

News Shopper: White is presented with his accreditation by Sigung Richard Bustillo

He said: “Although it is good to see students able to remember the techniques and drills, it is much more important that they are able to apply them when under real pressure.

“There is no point in learning a fancy technique if it doesn’t have a practical application.”

For more information on Bromley MAA, or if you are interested in trying jeet kune do kung fu, email or call 07799 065590.

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