CHARLTON striker Ricardo Fuller believes his team-mates should adopt a Jamaican saying and look forward rather than back following their 6-0 triumph at Barnsley on Saturday.

The former Jamaican international netted the Addicks’ final goal of the game in what was their biggest win from an impressive tally of nine victories on the road already this season.

Three points moved Fuller and co up to ninth in the table and he is not ruling out the play-offs after a recent upturn in form.

“We’re not really looking backwards,” said Fuller.

“As a Jamaican we always say we never look backwards, we tend to look forward, so the mentality for me is that way and hopefully I bring that into the team.

“I’m sure the rest of the team is looking forward as well, because in football you don’t want to be looking backwards.

“When you’re looking backwards it means that you are in trouble.

“You always want to look upwards and forwards, which means you tend to aim for greater heights, which is for us to go as hard and as offensive as we can with discipline for these last four games and then whatever happens, happens.

“If we make the play-offs then we make the play-offs.

“The most important thing is staying in the league and if we do that, then that is an achievement as well.

“It is a long ask and a hard task - the third-placed team, fourth, fifth and sixth, something drastic has to happen to them for us to make it.

“But as I have said, our aim is to win football games.

“We like to think about taking each games as it comes and our next game is Cardiff, so we’re going to give it the best shot we can and hopefully for the remaining four games we will see what happens.”

Fuller added: “We have been playing well, especially in the last four games.

“We have drawn one and won three, which shows we have been playing much better.

“We have got a bit more experience in the team and stability.

“In every team you need that.

“You can’t just have a young, inexperienced team you need a team that is used to the Championship and players that are. I think we have that”

And Fuller singled out one returning player in particular for Charlton’s recent upturn in fortunes on the pitch.

“Hughesy (Andy Hughes) has come in and done superbly,” the strike ace said.

“I think he has given us a lot of balance in the squad.

News Shopper: Andy Hughes

“In the midfield he settles things down and breaks things up.

“He’s just playing as simple as possible and that is working for the team.

“And from then on we can go and create chances, in the last four games especially, and that was shown at the weekend.”

Fuller notched on Saturday for the first time since opening the scoring in February’s 2-1 defeat at Crystal Palace.

Since then the striker’s progress has been hampered by injury and he admitted he was delighted to get back among the goals and is currently feeling as fit as he has done for a while.

Fuller said: “I haven't scored for a while, my fitness hasn’t been the best because of injuries, so for me to get the goal in the end to make it 6-0, it is a great feeling for me.

“As a striker goals breed confidence and when a player is confident he can do anything, so I am delighted with the goal.

“The pitch wasn’t the best on Saturday.

“I had a couple of shots and it was bobbling and they ended up in the stand and another trickled out, but that is football.”

He added: “I’m feeling physically a lot better now, that was my first 90 minutes for as long as I can remember.

“I am feeling good, I like to know I can play because as long as you are on the pitch then you will have a chance to score even if it is the 90th minute of injury time, as it was on Saturday.

“Once you are on the pitch and moving about, you can get your fitness for the next game.

“Fortunately we have four games left, so I have just got to keep going.”

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