DRIVING ME MAD: Please could someone tell me why drivers on the number 89 bus route are so rude? One really cold day last month, I was waiting 20 minutes for the bus to arrive. The driver went straight by me, knowing I had my arm out as it was a request stop. I was so angry. On another number 89 bus, also on a very cold day, a man was waiting on Northend Road and again the rude driver went by him. The man shouted out, but the rude driver ignored him. Please, please could we have some drivers who want to do their job how it used to be done, not the awful, rude drivers we seem to have now.

name and address supplied

SPIRALLING COSTS: When I retired in 1999 my council tax bill was the equivalent of five weeks' state pension. It is now the equivalent of eight weeks' pension, an increase of 60 per cent. This is at a time when Gordon Brown constantly reminds us how low inflation has allegedly been since he took over. Clearly, at this rate of disparity it is only a matter of time before my council tax bill exceeds my state pension. I can then have paid, in full, direct to the London borough of Bexley the bill for when the 2012 London Olympics has gone over budget.

MR B CLARE Address supplied

TIMES CHANGE: While I am not worried what happens to the clocks in relation to daylight saving or not, could I please remind those campaigning for lighter evenings it will of course mean it will get light later in the mornings which will alienate early morning workers. Between March 1968 and October 1971, the clocks were not altered once we changed to British Summer Time. Therefore we did not have double summer time then, yet there was an enormous outcry at the time. What has changed this time round?

MR A D SPELLER Address supplied

HOT TOPICS: As our local elections draw closer can any prospective candidate please answer the following two questions. How will you represent your constituents bearing in mind Mr Prescott's Code of Conduct, which prevents a councillor expressing views on which he was elected, as this would be seen to be prejudicial? And as local government is organised "along Parliamentary lines", where is the equivalent of the House of Lords? Which body has the power to overturn a council decision?

name and address supplied