I think Broomleigh's attitude towards the Jubbs is disgusting (News Shopper, March 8).

I moved into that same house with my parents more than 50 years ago when the houses were first built (I now live a few doors away) and Mr and Mrs Jubb and Tom moved into the house when my parents died in 1979/80.

They have always been decent neighbours, causing no problems and you could always call on them in a time of need.

Tom also keeps an eye on the lady in a neighbouring house, helping her with her shopping and mowing her lawn as she is 85.

This lady has also been living there since it was first built. There are only a handful of people left here since the houses were built and you don't see a lot of the new ones.

Tom has known most of the people since he was a teenager and now they want to move him somewhere else.

I do hope you continue to help where you can with the fight against this decision. It will be bad enough to lose both parents one after the other without losing your home as well.

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