I read with interest the item in News Shopper, January 18, regarding Bromley Council intending to inspect headstones in local cemeteries. In light of my own recent experiences with the council in relation to the headstone on my parents' grave, I wonder if the council has a hidden agenda?

This started when I decided to have my parents' headstone refurbished, I obtained several estimates and selected a firm to carry out the work. It transpired the estimate included a fee of £46 payable to the council before the stonemason could begin.

A second letter from the council stated records showed as my father was the legal owner of the plot, I had to complete two forms in the presence of Commissioner of Oaths to prove that I was his legal heir.

The council required a payment of £31 to change the records.

In an effort to speed up the work, my daughter took the forms to the Civic Centre. The council employee produced a book which contained the names of the owners of each plot number and the transaction took less than 10 minutes.

The council has charged me a total of £77 for two standard letters and two forms.

I have two questions. 1. Is the council expecting to make money from the inspections when relatives find headstones have been taken down? 2. Do we pay council tax to run the services provided by the council?

A R Mantle Orpington