Re the front page story Campaign to ban cameras', I do not agree with this in any shape or form, mainly because speed limits are mostly ignored.

As a motorist, cyclist and walker, I can honestly say drivers drive too fast in built-up areas, with no consideration for others at all, hence the dreadful accidents that happen from time to time.

We all need to be steady on that pedal and curb our anger for I have literally seen mostly young men jumping up and down in their seat with terrible music blaring forth, and to all intents and purposes, they are like Roman chariots of old just charging up and down the street.

Is this what we want in a civilised society? We need more speed restrictions not less!

Come on, let's face up to reality, ask the police, hospitals or firemen, they will tell you what speed does - it kills and maims for life.

B Cheale, Cedar Road, Dartford