I refer to Councillor Tonya Kelsey's letter in the News Shopper of November 16 (Simple matter of planning language) and I am grateful to her for correcting my misunderstanding of the legal intricacies of planning applications.

However, like many members of the public, I am not a paid councillor, and do not have recourse to the legal advice of Bexley Council. Perhaps Councillor Kelsey's time would be better spent on proactive letters rather than reactive ones. A letter through the widely read News Shopper explaining in simple English how mobile phone masts can be erected in residential areas without residents' approval would be a good start.

Perhaps Councillor Kelsey can also provide conclusive evidence via this newspaper that there are no health risks concerning mobile phone masts and that she would happily have one erected within a few yards of her residence?

I would like to thank all those residents and congregation members who made their objections known to Welling Methodist Church about the erection of a mobile phone mast on its premises. I also would like to pay credit to the Welling Methodist Church Council who at considerable financial cost reversed their earlier decision to allow the erection of a mobile phone mast.

With the local council elections just around the corner, Councillor Kelsey and her party should be looking to improve the community in which electors live, rather than cause unnecessary health hazards.

Alan Bannister, Montrose Close, Welling