BIKE BOTHER: I would like to congratulate our councils for making our pavements cycle friendly by introducing slopping kerbs and raised crossovers at most junctions. Now pedestrians risk being knocked down on or off pavements by cyclists. It must only be a matter of time before someone is badly injured by the uninsured cyclist who prefers to use our walkways.

Mr G Hopkins, Eltham

SHOW SOME RESPECT: I couldn't agree more with readers about how early Christmas starts each year. I really do think the Christmas festive season should start after November 11 out of respect. There would still be plenty of time to do all the shopping that is necessary.

Mrs Warner Address supplied

YOU LOONIES: In reply to No More Orders (News Shopper, November 16), it is not the ethnic minorities which are complaining about our right to celebrate Christmas but the anti-white loony liberal left.These are the people who have lost all sense of pride in their own race and culture.

G R Black, Lewisham