The last raven in Ravensbourne. He came from the Western Highlands of Scotland, from the hills opposite Eilean Donan Castle. He was spotted by a local forester, unable to fly while two other ravens circled overhead.

He was taken by the forester back to his house where he made him a perch and gave him dead rabbits, supplied by the local gamekeeper.

When the forester came south to London University McCrae' came to live in Chislehurst with Mrs Bocock.

McCrae had his perch in the back garden (behind the chemist shop), the two of them used to have long daily conversations.

When the Bococks moved down to Hampshire, (Mrs Bocock lived to be 102) McCrae came to Bromley - he lived for a further year until he died, possibly killed by a fox.

How old he was we never knew, he had lived a long and colourful life. This included the incident when McCrae, a large and powerful bird, had pinned the local dustman up against the wall.

The unforgettable words of the terrified dustman will long be remembered: "Get this bloody vulture off me."

John Bocock, Vogon Close, Bromley