I am referring to the letter in News Shopper concerning the kerb crackdown.

Firstly we did not receive any notice through our front door telling us about their intentions and would not have been aware of it had my husband not seen your article in the paper.

What is the point of this other than to get more revenue?

We share a dropped kerb with our neighbours but we each have our own driveway. We have a disabled daughter who now and then gets dropped of - where do we stand with parking outside our own home to get her out of a car?

I bet it's the same idiot who thought this up that designed the road markings in Oakhampton Crescent which is a complete disaster. I agree with one of your readers who said this council has not got its residents at heart.

This council hasn't got a heart, they're out to get you one way or another and I think lots of Bexley residents have had enough.

Do we get some money back on our council tax seeing as they are taking our civil rights away?

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