As has been reported recently in the News Shopper, Councillor Nick O'Hare, who was elected in 2002 to serve as a Liberal Democrat, resigned from the LibDems and joined the Conservative Party.

As you can imagine this came as a complete surprise, not only to us, but also to the residents of his East Wickham ward. Only a few months ago Nick stood as our parliamentary candidate in the constituency. Then, he had no difficulties in promoting Liberal Democrat policies, which he professed to believe in, and which resulted in us increasing our overall percentage vote at the general election in Bexley.

Now, we understand Nick has overnight become a "born again Tory", because he says their policies better reflect his own beliefs. This is a man who I have heard speaking out against the war in Iraq, Tory immigration policy, and the complete shambles which is the Tory leadership. Against a party that has lost three general elections in a row and lost control of Bexley Council at the last election.

Nick did work hard as your LibDem councillor, and therefore it is with both anger and great sadness that we see him join the Tories, for what I believe he perceives is the likelihood of advancement up the greasy pole of politics.

Fortunately by his side for the past eight years has been fellow LibDem Focus Team member Tony Pickett who will now lead the fight in East Wickham at the council elections in May.

I look forward to Tony and his team of fellow candidates being elected with your support, to serve all the residents of East Wickham.

The Liberal Democrats have always believed in listening to, and acting on, the views of the people. Only the Liberal Democrats have delivered a regular Focus newsletter, usually every three months, to every house in his ward, run regular residents surveys and have taken up many cases on behalf of residents with the council.

The Conservatives have had no obvious communication at all in the last two years in East Wickham.

The LibDems have spoken out consistently against the six-lane motorway river crossing at Thamesmead, which will flood the area of East Wickham, Welling, and Bexleyheath with high levels of traffic cutting through to the A2 at Danson Park.

The Labour Party nationally and in Bexleyheath totally supports the river crossing, as does the Conservative Party nationally, and who therefore will not act against it in parliament.

The LibDems are the only party to be united against the bridge, and we will present evidence against it at the current public inquiry, in support of the people of Bexley.

I am sorry to loose Nick as a councillor, and a friend, but he must look to his own conscious, and do the honourable thing, resign and let the people of East Wickham judge him on his decision.

Christopher Eady, chairman, Bexley Borough Liberal Democrats