I read with dismay the excuses given for the increase in Bromley road causalities for 2004, in the letter from Councillor George Taylor (Letters August 24).

An increase of over 3 per cent is not a 'small rise'; it is over 300 extra casualties in the 1,000-plus recorded. A burden on all services including the NHS, and pain and suffering for all those involved.

How ironic that in the same edition, your front page reported the death of a motorcyclist at Bromley Common junction with Oakley Road. This is a junction that should be controlled with traffic lights.

The sight lines for Oakley Road are bad and everyone has to chance driving across the path of, or entering, high speed traffic in Bromley Common.

As it is Bromley Common has an idiotic three-lane 'suicide' lane system, and until recently, a 40mph speed limit.

This has now been reduced to 30mph but you would not know it because it is not enforced and the signage is hard to see, with the main clue coming from the black plastic bag over the old 40mph sign.

Along with numerous other roads in Bromley, not just Bromley Common, but Kentish Way, Shire Lane, Hayes Lane and Bromley Road (to name a few), the invitation to exceed the speed limit is all too apparent.

Councillor George Taylor has apparently gone on record as saying that advisory speed signs (many now vandalised) are better than speed cameras.

This is the same Bromley Council that is proud to announce a 'get you home service' for the drunks of Bromley (as reported in News Shopper with Councillor George Taylor prominently featured) and the same Bromley Council that has barred same sex civil ceremonies.

The message from Bromley Council appears to be, if you want to get drunk or exceed the speed limit you are welcome in Bromley but if you are gay go away.

Name and address supplied