With reference to the new swimming pool at Crook Log: Being a regular lunchtime swimmer at the old' pool, I waited with anticipation for the new one to open, imagining what it would be like. From the plans that I saw, it was going to be shorter.

The old' pool did have chilly changing rooms and wonky toilet seats, the pool temperature could vary from day to day, but once in the water you could swim many lengths and come out feeling well exercised.

On July 7 I went for a lunchtime swim at the new pool, my initial impression on going in the building was of a hospital. I found the changing village and entered the pool. The water was warm but the pool definitely shorter.

Beginning at the shallow end and avoiding people chatting or playing by throwing their goggles, I began swimming. I just got into my stride when some teenagers swam across the width in front of me.

I finally got to the deep end. I thought I would try to touch the bottom as it is now only 6' and not the scary 12' - it was easy to do. If only the pool had been extended towards Brampton Road, the swimming would have still been a challenge, now the challenge is to avoid it being busy.

On one Saturday afternoon I took my young daughter. She was very excited to try it out. We arrived at 3pm for the afternoon session as we had always done but found that from 3pm to 6pm the pool is for lessons only now, so no swimming for us.

I dug out my old timetable and found that the family swim was from 2pm to 4pm on Saturdays and Sundays. It is now 1pm to 3pm on Saturdays and 3pm to 5pm on Sundays.

The new timetable seems to be dominated by Aquazone events.

We were not the only family to be disappointed on that Saturday. Three other families were ahead of us and another went in as we left.

Overall the new pool is cleaner and warmer but for a good swim - give me the old one any time.

On a recent Isle of Wight holiday, I swam in an outdoor pool on par with the old pool - it was great, a real challenge.

We will still go to Crook Log as it is our local pool, but will remember to old one fondly for proper swimming, not just chatting and and using as a fun pool.

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