We write with reference to your recent article "Getting the hump with lives at stake".

This non-story where nothing actually happened to the patient, Mr Andrews, is more evidence of the nonsense being stirred up by Mr Lawson and his group of busybodies and his pressure group BBRAG.

Those complaining should try living on the road (Old Hill) which is wholly unsuited to the kind of traffic that uses it every day.

This old medieval road, which once was the main thoroughfare for horse and carriages between Chislehurst, the village of Widmore and Bromley, was superseded by Summer Hill over a century ago, for the purposes of modern heavy traffic.

Now, however, it has become a rat-run for drivers trying to speed up their journey between Bromley and Chislehurst.

It is narrow, has a blind corner and completely impractical for the fast drivers and lorries that currently use it.

The pavements are cracked and crumbling from cars avoiding the humps, avoiding oncoming traffic and cars parked on the pavements.

Tempers are lost, the road strewn with broken glass and hubcaps from minor collisions and worse. It is dangerous and unpleasant for the children who use the road to reach Bullers Wood and Coopers as well as other pedestrians.

Finally, there are the residents whose lives are made increasingly dangerous and unpleasant by the traffic.

The humps were the very least the council would permit to slow the traffic. It was paid for by a local builder in the teeth of opposition by Mr Lawson and his group who have no knowledge or experience of actually living here.

We would like access to the road limited by width restrictions such as you see on Sundridge Avenue, Yester Road and Watts Lane or even for the road to become restricted to access only.

I do hope that this letter will draw attention to non-residents to the plight of this road and its residents and to set the record straight.

Tony and Sue Howard, Old Hill, Chislehurst