Having read Susan Lee's one-sided view of Bostall library, I would like to reply.

I also encourage my children to visit the library, and cannot fault Bostall library, or its staff.

This is obviously a small library for local people to use, and as such, does not have a massive complement of staff.

I am sure none of us begrudge the staff time to eat their lunch, or a day off in the week.

Secondly, Ms Lee is correct that there is indeed limited space for parking in Westbourne Road itself, but there is always plenty of room to park in nearby King Harold's Way.

I was wondering why Ms Lee expects to park directly outside the library? Also, I see that she lives about five minutes away in Ashbourne Avenue. Perhaps Ms Lee could also teach her children about the benefits of exercise, and walk there?

Parking on the pavement is inconsiderate for wheelchair and pushchair users, and there is no excuse for such selfishness.

As for the computers - they are proving very popular, and sometimes queues do form. This is a fair way to deal with those waiting. Maybe Ms Lee's son is more important than the rest of us.

It is unreasonable to expect every library to stock every book, and Bostall library not having a book Ms Lee's daughter needed is not the fault of the staff.

They appear to have helped by giving her a number in Sidcup, where it may have been available.

I have always found the staff extremely helpful (and no, I am not related to any of them!).

I for one, will continue to use Bostall library, and am sure that the staff there will not be too distressed to hear they won't be seeing Ms Lee again.

Mrs Hunt, email address supplied