In response to Mr Slater's letter in your October 26 issue, may I point out that most people can differentiate between the need for proper stewards to eject those deliberately set on disrupting party conferences and those who disagree with what a minister says.

The only thing I feel New Labour was sorry about is that their policy of employing night-club bouncers to intimidate any dissent from Labour party members was exposed in full view of the world's media.

The trouble was that their apes picked on the wrong two people and the general public were sickened by what they saw.

What a way to treat visitors - assault threats, requiring police protection. I shall be cautious of invites to New Labour events in the future!

Instead of trying to flannel people off with a load of old tosh, you would achieve more if you got on to the next party conference organisers and told them not to employ yobs or thugs as stewards, because it makes nonsense of our policy against the yob culture.

I suggest you heed your own advise, i.e go and have a cup of tea!

Mr C Ives, Lessness Avenue, Bexleyheath