Your writer "Borough pools are all rubbish" (October 12) has hit the nail on the head when he/she says the "facilities are being run by a bunch of amateurs".

My family use the gym, pool and gymzone facilities at the new Crook Log Leisure Centre and visit several times a week.

Our feeling is that the new facilities are to be applauded - however, it appears to be the management of the facilities that is letting them down.

Telephones aren't answered, long queues form at the front desk, the electronic gates do not appear to work and anyone can walk in and use the facilities unchallenged.

Pool users are instructed to remove outdoor shoes at the changing room doors, yet poolside there are dirty footprints caused by staff wearing trainers. On a Sunday afternoon we have had to ask poolside staff to remove floating barriers in the children's pool, they do not seem to be aware that there are no lessons at this time and continue to restrict use of the pool, despite there being no need to do so.

The caf area has frequently been filthy when we have been there after using the pool late on a Sunday afternoon. When we were there recently, the place was littered with dirty cups and plates and the floor was covered in food, which had clearly been building up all day - these are all management issues.

The council and Parkwood Leisure should be proud of the facilities now available at Crook Log, but they are being let down by poor management at a very basic level.

We in Bexley are lucky to have benefited from improvements to our leisure facilities, however the negative publicity being generated by these problems is ruining the good work done in improving them.

I would urge the council and Parkwood Leisure to address these problems by calling their centre managers to account.

Mrs J Peters, Beverley Avenue, Sidcup