The decision to postpone the revaluation of homes for council tax is to be welcomed.

Here in Greenwich the borough is a very different place from what it was in 1991. The main thrust of our work over the last decade has been to regenerate whole swathes of the borough. We want to provide good quality homes for people and develop the social infrastructure necessary for local people to thrive and take advantage of the opportunities emerging across the Thames Gateway, as a result of the Olympics coming to London.

Our regeneration programme has led to entire new communities developing in areas which were previously semi-derelict.

Basing council tax levels on imaginary property levels of more than a decade ago clearly makes little sense.

However, it would be folly to rush to fix one part of the picture when the whole future of local government has yet to be determined.

The whole direction of local government is changing, both in terms of improving local services for local communities and in how we work with other organisations.

I am pleased that the finding of local government will form part of Sir Michael Lyons's review and look forward to taking part in this process, which will lead to a fundamental and lasting reform of the sector.

Cllr Chris Roberts, leader of Greenwich Council