TIME TO ACT: Who are they to tell us to ban Christmas? Who are they that come into our country, claim everything and then run us down? Who are they to dictate what we can and cannot do? Who are they to tell us what hymns we can and cannot sing? Who are they to say we cannot fly our flags? If we went to their countries and started dictating these things we would be on the first plane out. Wake up Britain. it is about time you thought of your own people instead of bending over backwards to please all and sundry.

Name and address supplied

BAD MOVE: Once again Swanscombe, one of the highest-paying boroughs, plays at recycling. After having large easy-to-store and easy-to-carry bags, we now have silly little boxes. We can of course pay more money for another. I have been filling a large bag nearly every week but I will not struggle with these boxes, which you can get hardly anything in. Who is the bright spark who decides on this sort of thing? I suggest they get someone with a bit of common sense.

A Brackenbury, Swanscombe