I DO not think there are too many people here who are unaware that the Christmas season is upon us.

This has become the silly season when it comes to political correctness over the past few years.

As a predominantly Christian country which has historically based its culture on Christian values and tradition, it offends me those of other religions are offended by the celebration of Christmas.

Gone are the days of Christmas lights, trees, presents and greetings to avoid offending others.

Virtually every religion I am aware of here preaches tolerance and acceptance of others. I try my best to practice what I preach by accepting one day or another is a religious holiday for somebody.

We may not celebrate those particular holidays but are open enough to accept others following their chosen religion, so why should others require the majority of citizens to change the custom of the land?

If I was offended by any other religious holiday I certainly wouldn't be taking a swipe at them and telling them what they can call it, how or when they can celebrate it or stop them from spreading the good cheer implied by their greetings.

Please don't tell Christians to call an important religious festival something different or celebrate it any differently than we have for 2,000 years.

Glen Ketteringham, Belmont Road, Northumberland Heath