AS A member of the Lewisham Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Panel and a gay businessman I was delighted to see your front page article regarding the flying of the rainbow flag to celebrate the introduction of civil partnerships and of International Pride (Proud To Fly The Gay Flag (News Shopper, November 9).

Being recognised as equal and valued members of society is all most people want.

In a symbolic way the decision of council officers to fly the Freedom Flag signifies LGBT people are valued members of society.

But I was disappointed to read the comments of Reverends Graham Corneck and Carol Lanham.

Christians (of which I am one) and single mums deserve recognition as valued members of society along with all minority groups.

But I wonder if these people of the cloth have stopped to consider how many LGBT people are members of their flock, not to mention how many lesbian women are bringing up children on their own, not only marginalised for being single mums but also for their sexuality.

I would be happy to support any initiative that sought to make our society more tolerant and accepting. If more of our religious leaders stood up for the same priciples perhaps our world would be a better and safer place to live.

Licensee Stonewalls Bar & Club