TESTING TIMES: Regarding the immigration test (News Shopper, November 9). Father Christmas derives from the legend of a monk named St Nicholas, who was born around 280AD in Patara, Turkey. The traditional Father Christmas that we know today comes from the American Coca Cola company which began a major promotion in 1931 using a jolly, red-suited Santa Claus. So where is the Britishness' of Father Christmas? Also the PG question is a bit of a trick we all know PG is a type of tea and also stands for the Parental Guidance classification. Why aren't the questions based on the history and geography of Britain? Surely this would mean our new citizens would be learning something useful?

Elaine Armstrong Address supplied

ARMY FRIENDS: Along with other veterans, I recently spent a week in Egypt. We visited the Alamein Military Cemetery and I was able to locate three former comrades from the 65th Field Reg't. RA who were killed in September 1942. They were Bdr. R T Gray (Reggie), Sgt A R Hanson and Sgt F O Morand. In 1939 the 65th Field Reg't RA, was part of the Territorial Army and stationed at Lee Green.

Cyril A Pocock ex 257 Battery, 65th Filed Regiment RA

POLICE IN PLACE: In reply to Margaret Scroggs (News Shopper, November 2) I should like to assure readers there are police available in Chislehurst and indeed throughout Bromley. While the Chislehurst hut' may not be open 24/7, the borough is properly policed at all times. There may of course be times when other matters are prioritised but that I am afraid happens from time to time.

Laurie Bell Chairman, Mottingham & Chislehurst Safer Neighbourhood Panel

BEWARE: If any readers are thinking of getting an Allders store card just be aware you get a £20 fee if your payment is late. I sent my cheque by post and was clobbered. After a telephone call it was dropped but over the years we have spent thousands at Allders and were upset when the Bromley store shut.

Mrs L Moran Address supplied

SCUM: To the scumbag thieves who stole my handbag in Sainsbury's car park, Locksbottom on Wednesday evening, November 2. What took me a month to earn, took you ten seconds to steal. Take care ladies, be vigilant and learn from my mistake perhaps they are saving early for Christmas.

Judi Larsen Address supplied