RETURNING from Sidcup on a 492 bus I saw a return of common sense, sadly a minority virtue these days.

It involved a horde of barbarians in school uniform.

Not content with annoying other bus travellers with their shouting and screaming, they banged at anything in sight and pressed the stop bell with no intention of getting off when the bus stopped.

When a few eventually got off they banged on the windows, no doubt pushing the driver to distraction.

He decided he had had enough, got out of his cab and read the young savages the riot act in no uncertain words but at all times with great restraint.

When they started to laugh, he asked politely "are you laughing at me?", the laughter stopped immediately.

I wish a few more bus drivers followed his example.

Getting off at Bexleyheath I thanked him for his courage in standing up to those schoolchildren who bring disgrace on their school.

Their parents and their headteachers should teach them the virtue of queuing and offering an older person a seat not forgetting pregnant mums and the blind.
