I WOULD like to comment on parking illegally in Sidcup, further to the lady who wrote about the traffic situation in Longlands Road.

I live in Blackfen Road, one of the busiest roads in the borough all traffic using and exiting the A2 comes through here.

Everyday, without fail, we have a succession of lorries and vans, parked on the footpath, illegally, or on double yellow lines, illegally.

This is in an area with two schools Blackfen School for Girls and Sherwood Park Avenue.

These drivers pose a constant threat to pedestrians.

We have been complaining for a regular patrol from 8am until 10am, but to no avail.

The council has now put safety bollards on the south side of Blackfen Road.

But this won't stop them from obstructing the road.

It would appear the borough's parking services are well under-manned.