FOR the past few months I have read about nothing but foxes, with fors and againsts.

We all know it is not nice to get up in the morning and find a present left by a fox in the middle of the lawn.

It is also not nice to do a full wash and put it out on the washing line (if you have a line) and find the starlings leave a big stain where they have eaten red berries. Or next door's cat has dug a big hole and leaves a present which you don't find until you plant some bulbs.

Then you have the squirrel. You plant the bulbs and they dig them up.

Whatever you pick on has a down fall, so why not pick on your local councillors and get something done about the area where you live?

Like getting a crossing in Halfway Street for the children to get to school safely.

Complain about Station Road and Longlands Road junction. Try and get a green man crossing to help the elderly cross the junction. God knows they need it.

Try and get a filter-left sign at Hurst Road from Eltham while Station Road is at a stand still.

And do something about the vandals try and ring the police.

Hope this gives you something to think about other than the wildlife.

Halfway Street