In reply to D Lanksford's letter: Left saddened by gay hatred', some interesting points were raised.

Briefly, Mr/Ms Lanksford, professing to be a Christian, would no doubt be interested to seek, above all, the Bible's (rather than man's) view on homosexuality. He states that "homosexuality is not God's ideal way", and yet the Bible scriptures stated show that God abhors the practice, which is quite different from Mr Lankford's opinion.

Stating in the same breath "how much Jesus loved people" yes, it is true that he did (and does) love people, sinners one and all, and he did indeed meet and eat with sinners all of us, then. But the Bible states that Jesus didn't do this for social reasons, nor in any condoning fashion, rather he did it in order to preach and teach people God's ways, and to help them to turn away from what God sees as sinful practices.

Even some of the early congregation may perhaps have dabbled with homosexuality since in 1 Cor. 6:11, the apostle Paul states that "this is what some of you were" indicating that they had since changed from the litany of wicked practices mentioned in the preceding verses.

So God and Jesus's "expression of love" is to permit people time to change and gain God's approval (Acts 3;19).

Why is this debate so important? Well, for those interested in what the Bible as the highest authority promises, variously we learn that for sure God will, at Armageddon, rid the world of all practices he considers wicked, and homosexuality like it or not the Bible says is one of them.

To benefit by earning God's favour, the Bible warns that we must take note of, and then turn away from, practices God hates.

Philip Turner, Orpington