We moved to Welling 24 years ago, it was a quiet road, but as the years went on it's got more and more noisy with traffic.

Because I do Neighbourhood Watch, I've got to know a lot of our neighbours who have lived here a long time. It's a nice road, we are central to Blackfen and Welling, doctors, schools and my family.

As the traffic was getting worse, we all had a street demonstration by parking our cars with all four wheels in the road, which made it awkward for through traffic to get by.

We had a lot of anger and abuse from drivers, some understood our cause but all we wanted was for the council to listen to us and maybe let us have road humps or chicanes, to slow the traffic down.

The council said no because it was an ambulance run and because of the drains, so doesn't everybody have drains? So they gave us rumble strips - they were a nightmare, so many people complained they had to take them up.

We are a forgotten road. I asked the council if we could have more trees put back in our road as over the years they have been disappearing - no they said because of the underground services, doesn't everyone have these?

Also we must have two fatalities and schools before we can have humps.

Our road is a rat-run from Welling to Blackfen, people have moved because their children can't play in the street.

On the school runs, we have long queues with bad exhaust fumes and at quiet times it's a race track.

We like our road but why should we have to suffer all the noise etc, while all the other roads round us have peace, because they too use our road and don't give us a second thought? What's happened to our human rights?

My neighbours and I have done a quick traffic count. On Monday, September 5 at 9.15am (a quiet time) there were 44 cars in five minutes. At 11.30am 92 cars in 20 minutes and on Tuesday, September 6 between 8am and 9am 560 cars and from 3pm to 6pm 1,205. So please don't tell us we don't need help!

Mr & Mrs Upson, Wendover Way, Welling