I am writing this letter in absolute frustration! How many people have travelled to Dartford station, within the News Shopper area, thinking that it is within Zone 4?

My son, Joseph, did exactly that. I believe that many travellers get caught out since it is Dartford station where many trains terminate and the public think that is where the zone ends.

On July 4, 2005 my son purchased a one day off-peak child travel card for £2 to travel to Dartford. It was his first day of work experience at the Miskin Theatre in Dartford, he had never travelled to Dartford by train although he travels by train to school every day from Welling to Falconwood.

Anyway, when he got off the train at Dartford the ticket would not go through the barrier; he was approached by two men who told him that if he wanted to avoid a fine he would have to travel back to Welling, i.e he couldn't go outside of Dartford station.

He offered to pay the difference (albeit that since I have found out it would have cost only £1.35 for a cheap day return from Welling to Dartford) but they declined and gave him a £20 penalty notice.

They were really most unhelpful and a perfect example of jobsworths.

My son was met at the station by a tutor and he explained to her what had happened; she then approached the rail staff who were being very difficult and said that the penalty notice was just a warning and if he wrote to the IPFAS they would probably cancel it.

I did this on Joseph's behalf (bearing in mind he is only 15) but my appeal was rejected.

I wrote again (re-appealing) explaining that Joseph wasn't deliberately trying to evade fare paying; it was a genuine mistake and that he had actually paid more for a one day pass than he needed to have done, had he bought a cheap day return.

The appeal was again rejected; the fine is £20 - I haven't as yet paid this. it is not the amount of money involved but the principle of the matter.

Janice Walker, Newlyn Road, Welling