I don't know if you will be able to help me in any way but I feel the need to write to you to express my disgust at the lack of opportunities available to find an apprenticeship and become a plumber.

I am a 21-year-old man currently interested in working in plumbing. I have worked within the plumbing/construction industry for three years now but am struggling to find a suitable apprenticeship to give me the training then qualifications needed to go on and follow plumbing as a full-time career.

I have been searching now for nearly a year and am becoming disheartened at the constant rejection.

I never thought it would be so hard to get into plumbing as an apprentice at my age and feel like giving up but it is the career I would like to follow and I believe that I am very good at it and just have not had the opportunity to gain my qualifications so I can go on further.

I have sat and rung round every local construction company, but no-one seems to take on apprentices.

I have gone through bigger companies such as British Gas only to be told that I need a minimum of four GCSEs otherwise I would have qualified for a position. But because at school I suffered a big knee injury, I was receiving so much treatment at the time I was unable to take my GCSEs and left school with no qualifications. I feel like I am now being penalised for this.

I have only ever been able to obtain temporary positions such as plumber's mate and temping positions through agencies in which I have always gained high praise from my colleagues/mentors.

I have tried everything I can including the internet, Yellow Pages, colleges, letters, Greenwich Training, emails to companies and even tried more than one career advice centre, whom said because I was over 19 they couldn't help me.

I was successful in my examinations to join a college place but can only join the course if I can find a suitable job to complete the apprenticeship as you can not do one without the other. I do not understand why no-one wants to take on apprentices.

I feel like no-one is really interested and I would be better off giving up hope and just applying to work for a supermarket chain or something, but it seems stupid when the country is crying out for skilled tradesmen.

I just want the chance to do an apprenticeship so I can go on and qualify to become a plumber; I have always been highly praised with my work and enjoy what I do.

I can't believe that for someone of my age and experience I am finding it impossible to find an apprenticeship and feel people should be aware of the lack of opportunities and help young people my age get in getting on the ladder to a future career path.

Adrian Yarde, Whitby Road, Woolwich