I HAVE just read the article in News Shopper regarding 4x4 vehicles (Road Rage, October 26) and felt compelled to write.

Is the humble 4x4 now the new white van? What is the problem with 4x4s? Perhaps you could explain the difference in being hit by a 4x4 as opposed to a large van?

All the negativity surrounding these vehicles is really beginning to get on my nerves.

Yes, I am the very proud owner of a 4x4.

I own a stables so mine is regularly going off-road to transport feed and bedding. I am regularly driving across farms, through flooded country lanes something which I could hardly do in a normal car.

I have suffered verbal abuse and totally idiotic driving from other road users intent on running me off the road just because I drive a 4x4.

Mine at least goes off-road and does the job it was built to do. I appreciate the biggest ramp most go up are at shopping centre car parks but don't tar us all with the same brush.

We pay far more for our cars than anyone else in Europe. If people can afford to buy and run one, it is up to them. No amount of media pressure will make me get rid of mine.

As for safety, my car has a far better driving position than other cars.

The high seat gives better visibility and I know my children are safer.

A 4x4, as with any car, is only as safe as the person driving it.