with regards to the comments in the last few issues of the News Shopper, about people leaving flowers at fatal accident scenes.

I am the mother of Gemma Rolfe, who was killed at Slade Green Road.

Have any of these people had someone walk out of the door, saying: "see you later mum" and not come back.

My daughter died from a hit-and-run and not only have myself and Gemma's family got to deal with the fact she has gone, but also that nobody is taking responsibility for their actions.

I will always lay flowers on May 19 at the scene where my daughter was killed.

My daughter did not die in a hospital bed where I could be with her so, if by laying flowers where she died gives her family some small comfort, we will carry on doing so.

We do not lay flowers on birthdays and Christmas, we go to her garden but, on May 19, that is where I and her family and friends need to go.

I have since found out the council no longer removes dead flowers from scenes and when that was realised a good friend went and cleared them away.

Please try to understand, what families go through when your life is ripped apart and please do not judge people for wanting to be at the place their loved ones died.

Instead of complaining about people trying to deal with their grief, why not put that energy into campaigning for stiffer sentencing for the people who cause the accidents in the first place.

Miss Janet-Ann Ford Wharfside Close Erith