I AM writing in regard to the letter Online GP Booking Unfair To The Elderly (News Shopper, October 1).

I do not usually write to newspapers but after reading that load of unsubstantiated and misinformed twaddle, I feel I must comment.

If I or anyone else makes use of the latest online appointment booking system adopted by some surgeries, mine included, it does not prevent anyone else from calling the surgery and getting an appointment over the phone.

The receptionist will access their own screen and be able to verify what free time slots are available for the doctor requested.

It is as simple as that.

If any patient is being told by a receptionist appointments cannot be given over the phone until all the online patients have completed their bookings, then they are not using the technology correctly.

It indicates a particular practice has not been properly trained on using its IT equipment.

Those surgeries should be reported to their NHS trust for failing to offer a proper patient service.

Online appointment booking is not a substitute for telephone appointments but an additional service offered to people with internet access.

The more the online system is employed, the easier and quicker for those wishing to continue using the phone to contact their surgery to make an appointment.

Philip Frost