IN REGARD to the traffic lights outside Grove Park station, are they the worst sequenced lights in London?

Every day commuters and thousands of other motorists have to suffer needless traffic jams in Baring Road because of badly sequenced lights outside the station, not to mention the fumes which residents of Baring Road have to breathe in. I doubt they ever have windows open.

Bromley Council and Lewisham Council, which each control a set of lights, will not sort them out and say there isn’t an issue here.

The lights in Chinbrook Road should change to red, allowing the traffic outside the station to clear.

Then when the lights change to green in Baring Road, the traffic has a clear space to proceed into.

Currently the lights outside the station go red, but the lights in Chinbrook Road are still green, traffic continues to flow and blocks the junction of Baring Road.

When the lights change to green in Baring Road, there’s nowhere for the traffic to go.

ROY KENNEDY, address supplied