I WAS the author of the star letter recently published (Continental Police Have The Right Idea, News Shopper, June 27) regarding CCTV.

Based on the interest from our "passionate" police commander and other writers, I write back with an update.

I still think we could learn from continental policing based on recent increased crime figures.

A couple of months ago, I was crossing the Kentish Way link bridge and on walking onto the roof of the car park I witnessed a hit and run car accident.

I went to help the lady driver left behind and then went to the attendant kiosk having noted the Secure Car Park Award displayed.

Imagine the driver's horror when told the CCTV cameras didn't work. It is strange our police commander said CCTV agency operators were doing a fine job.

Walking back up the stairs we noted the CCTV boxes were either empty or were looking at the floor.

A few days later, I went to the park in themulti-storey car park on Beckenham Lane, which also has a secure car park sign.

Surprise, surprise there was no CCTV link to our police commander's control room.

The message is: Don't get raped, mugged,or assaulted as no one will ever know who did it.

Name and address supplied