Letter to the editor: I attended the planning meeting on the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich town hall and went along with an open mind (‘Disaster Zone’, News Shopper, May 1).

I listened to the arguments against the plan from a well-presented and informed group of representatives from people in the area, who were articulate and passionate.

The decision to give the plan the go-ahead by Greenwich Council came as a complete surprise.

But, on reflection, given the observations I made of the planning officers in attendance, I am not surprised. One member appeared to think the elderly lady speaker was amazing judging by the way he was covering his face in his hands.

Another, who sat on the right of the chairman, thought it would be a good idea to leave the platform and get a drink of water while the same speaker was making her case.

So rude.

But this is the behaviour one comes to expect of Greenwich Council meetings.

What a shambles.

J TRAPPITT, Lewisham