Letter to the editor: I read with amazement your article on Councillor Robert Woodbridge’s campaign to reduce the speed limit in London Road, Swanley (Setback In Family’s Speed Limit Efforts, News Shopper, May 1), and would like clarify a few points.

Cllr Woodbridge’s motion was not illegal and there were no justifiable grounds for it being ruled out of order by the mayor.

Denying the right to put his motion was just a cheap political ploy by the Conservative Party.

His criticism of my campaign, which was partly based on this issue, by accusing my party of “jumping on the bandwagon” came as a complete surprise to me.

In February, Cllr Woodbridge asked me to include the issue in my election campaign and upon his request, I adopted it as a campaign issue. He was fully aware of this.

What also surprised me is although he is the self-appointed vanguard for reducing the limit, he voted with the Conservatives against a motion for speed limit reduction as recently as March 20.

The Labour Party in Swanley have for many years campaigned for this reduction in the speed limit.

It is not a new issue, but one which has only come to light following the tragic death of Vicki Woodbridge.

I just hope the powers that be see sense before someone else suffers the same fate.