Letter to the editor: Voices of people in the area count for nothing when it comes to the planning laws.

You can protest as much as you like, voice valid opinions, draw attention to the loss of your right to daylight, talk about being overlooked and complain your rights will be taken away. You can do this in vast numbers.

Hundreds can attend the planning meeting.

You can speak to the planning board and express your concerns.

As long as you have been consulted, that is all that matters.

The result of being consulted is you are ignored.

The recent Heritage Quarter planning application by Edinburgh House proves this beyond doubt.

There were 737 objections sent to the council by people expressing their concerns. They accounted for little.

Why are they consulted? Just so the box can be ticked. Thereafter, nothing.

We talk about localism, we talk about giving people a say in what goes on around them.

They are then ignored completely.