Letter to the editor: Regarding Left Disgusted By £110 Parking Fine (News shopper, May 8).

Mr Edwards left out several important facts in his account of the incident and got other facts completely wrong.

The bay in which he was parked at 2.47pm is a loading bay in which parking is prohibited from 7am to 9am.

At all other hours it is a Disabled Persons Parking Bay, which is made perfectly clear on the sign next to the bay.

Parking in this bay without displaying a valid disabled badge is prohibited.

Twenty-nine of 33 London boroughs issued more tickets than Bexley last year, so this does not support Mr Edwards’ claim the council is seeking to make as much money out of the motorist as possible.

The claim the ticket cost him £110 is inaccurate as he did not contest the ticket and paid it within 14 days at the reduced rate of £55.

There are some occasions in which tickets are issued incorrectly but in this case Mr Edwards only has himself to blame.

Cllr Gareth Bacon, Bexley Council cabinet member for the environment and public realm