Letter to the editor: So now education has to be branded.

Lewisham and Southwark Colleges have become LeSoCo.

What a pass we have come to.

Instead of achieving solid reputations over time, our colleges now depend on utterly uninspiring names and boring logos to jostle in the educational marketplace with others of the same ilk.

LeSoCo thinks this rebranding will create something new and exciting.

Quite how they make the connection between this new name and excitement is impossible to fathom.

The rebrand is banal and liable to lead to confusion with washing powder or a country in southern Africa.

There was a time when Lewisham College or, better still, its predecessor South East London College, was a sturdy institution which people were glad to relate to.

Now one wonders.

LeSoCo looks like just another internet pop-up, fleetingly in your way while you go about your business.

Grace Eke, Kidbrooke Grove, Blackheath