Letter to the editor: I’m glad George Clark finally spoke up about the horrendous water-leak which has been plaguing the people of Sutton-at-Hone.

I live in Mill Stone Close and regularly use the cut-through to Devon Road, which he refers to in the story.

But it appears News Shopper and Mr Clark have had the same problem in getting to the bottom of the leak as I have — nobody wants to admit responsibility for it.

I have called Thames Water on several occasions about this and I have also called Dartford Council.

Although I’m often assured someone will look into it, the problem has been there for nearly two months now and the water is still running in torrents across the footpath.

I think it will take someone to fall over and hurt themselves, be it an old lady or a young mum, for someone to get up and sort this out.

The News Shopper reporter said on the website article he would do whatever he can to get to the bottom of the problem and I’ll back him all the way. I’m glad to know it’s not just me who thinks it is a danger and I thank Mr Clark for publically speaking out about this.