Letter to the editor: I’m not sure what point Diana Chamberlain-Clark was trying to make (Public Places Are For All To Enjoy, Including Responsible Dog Owners, News Shopper, April 24).

My late wife and I owned dogs but the only non-dangerous dog we owned, a Sealyham terrier, attacked and bit her severely.

We also witnessed a near-fatal, unprovoked attack by a Staffordshire bull terrier on an Irish setter in the street.

The attacker was a friendly convivial dog, which often played with our son without any trouble.

Out of doors, muzzled, neither would have happened.

Confining children to fenced-off areas of play is not the answer, nor will it prevent attacks by dogs of irresponsible owners.

The responsible owner will not be penalised nor harassed by having their dog chipped and muzzled.

However, irresponsible owners will be able to be identified and punished by these measures.

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