Letter to the editor: My faith in the law system, it must be said, wavers. Some sentences are too short, some are too long, some laws are just outright ludicrous.

However, upon hearing about the life sentence given to Adam Whelehan for the gruesome murder of his girlfriend Natalie Jarvis, I felt justice had truly been served.

Whelehan’s attack was callous, calculated and totally unnecessary.

The fact he shows no sign of regret makes his sentence all the more deserved, while his choice to end his relationship with Natalie through violence rather than a conversation shows utter cowardice.

I can only hope with 26 years to mull over his crime in jail, he will come to realise the implications of his cruelty.

Whelehan’s friends cannot be exempt from the blame.

According to evidence he repeatedly told them how he wanted to kill Natalie because she’d said she was pregnant.

Why did they not warn Natalie?

I hope they are never so complacent again.

Tom Fuller, the getaway driver, must live with the guilt he was effectively complicit in the murder.

My thoughts are with the Jarvis family.

Margaret Shaw, Dartford