Letter to the editor: The forthcoming slaughter of badgers is unnecessary, cruel and contrary to expensive scientific findings.

An earlier bovine tuberculosis (bTB) problem was brought under control from the 1960s and all but eradicated by cattle-based controls, no badgers were killed or implicated.

The increase of bTB again in the late 20th century followed the relaxation of cattle testing, slaughter and movement controls, together with the intensification of dairy farms, larger herds and overwintering in sheds and barns.

In 2009 and 2010, there was a 15 per cent reduction in bTB due to improved testing of cattle, movement controls and improved cattle husbandry.

This improvement was achieved without any badgers being killed.

But this government now want to ignore the science, go backwards and kill badgers rather than take the successful recommended approach or use and further develop badger vaccines.

Readers should write to their MP and the government registering their opposition to their latest proposal to slaughter our wildlife.

Robert Roach, Sidcup