Letter to the editor: Thank you for highlighting voters’ concerns in the recent Evelyn by-election about a clique controlling the Labour Party in their area (Race Row Erupts, News Shopper, April 10).

Lewisham People Before Profit (LPBP) chose its candidate for the recent Evelyn by-election in a well-advertised public meeting on March 27.

It was open to anybody to attend and to ask questions of the four people who were proposed — Chris Flood, George Hallam, Barbara Raymond and Ray Woolford.

All paid-up members of LPBP were entitled to vote in a secret ballot by alternative vote and Barbara Raymond was chosen.

Perhaps if Deptford’s Labour group were to adopt a similar, open approach the accusations of manipulation by a small group could be rebutted.

It might also give confidence to voters candidates were being chosen freely and fairly on the basis of merit and competency alone.

John Hamilton, Lewisham People Before Profit